B1+/B2 ENGLISH CONVERSATION CLASS ONLINE (Intermediate – Upper Intermediate) 3° proposta CONFERMATO

Perché seguire un corso di Susan Brodar all’UniPopBorbiago
Hi, I’m Susan, a British teacher and languages lover.
As a globetrotter I’ve been through the uncomfortable experience of not being able to communicate adequately.
I’m here to make you feel more confident speaking English without feeling embarrassed and inadequate.
My goal is to bring you to speak English as naturally as possible,
I help you finally speak English to improve your life & career.
I show you step-by-step how you can implement diverse and exciting daily strategies even when you have no time.
You will finally speak English confidently, communicate with and understand others.
I also help Italian professionals improve their English speaking skills to finally speak confidently with colleagues at conferences.
More than just a teacher, I’m your English speaking coach with decades of experience but giving you the most innovative strategies to use resources you love so as to learn more effectively because you are enjoying the process.
Imagine yourself sounding so natural & confident speaking English that people reply spontaneously without straining to understand you.
Click here to find out more personal facts about me: https://www.speaklanguagesandtraveltheworld.com/about.html
A chi è rivolto
Obiettivi del corso
I am offering this innovative course to improve your vocabulary on specific topics. You will learn to speak confidently on different subjects using the appropriate expressions, idioms and collocations.
Programma dettagliato
The course will be based on the Flipped learning method to give priority to your speaking practice during the lesson.
This means that before each lesson I will give students short videos and games to consolidate vocabulary/expressions – this is to do at home in your own time, before the lesson.
We will subsequently use these expressions, in small groups, during the lesson to speak about the relative topics.
Topics we will study include:
- Travel
- Friends and Family
- Modern Technology
- Food and Nutrition
- Books Films and Art
- Working from Home
- University and Student Life
- Accommodation
- People and Personalities
- Your Work and Career
- Fitness and Health
- Social Media
- School and Education
- Environment and Pollution
- Fashion and Shopping
These lessons will take place online
- to practise your speaking skills with me and other students in small groups
- without the noise of the other groups and
- from the comfort of your own home.
So how will you improve your grammar, phrasal verbs and vocabulary?
You will pick it up in context, which is the most natural way of learning and remembering.
We will study specific grammar points that appear in the materials and practise expressions we learn in these materials.
The materials will help us to practise with authentic English rather than simplified textbook English – this is just what you need to level-up and improve so that you can finally understand real natural English.
I will also explain any grammar points that you are unsure of and you would like to revise.
The exercises and (optional but recommended) homework will be prevalently aimed at getting you to practise your speaking. However, I will be making self-correcting exercises available for anyone who wants to practise their grammar systematically on points they feel weak in.
All the lessons will be exclusively in English to maximise English listening & speaking skills without translating but using definitions in English to help your comprehension of unknown words or expressions.
The class will join a dedicated WhatsApp group for immediate communication only in English.
Which level of English should you have?
Students of intermediate or upper-intermediate level will benefit from this course, particularly in speaking. It is not necessary to all be at exactly the same level as long as you can understand and communicate effectively with each other. Some of you will have better grammar skills than others, some will be able to understand native speakers more and others will be able to speak more confidently. But the aim of this course is to guide you to improving your English communication skills, even if they are not ‘perfect’, but communication is the first objective of learning a language. There’s no point in knowing your grammar perfectly if you can’t communicate effectively.
Materiale /attrezzature richiesti
This course will not follow a particular book but I will use a series of different audio-visual materials to stimulate your listening, reading and particularly your speaking skills. This course will not focus on writing.
All the extra materials will be made available week by week, lesson by lesson, in a dedicated Dropbox folder so that you can access them even if you are absent.
Modalità di erogazione
The lessons will take place online through Zoom, which is very easy to use even for non-technological students.
- at least a MOBILE PHONE
- preferably computer / tablet.
What do you need to do to improve your English?
- Study & speak it just little (15-20 mins) regularly every day.
Don’t worry if you make mistakes! We’re here to learn together and be very patient with each other.
I look forward to practising your English with you! See you in class!
Siti Web
Connect with me & I look forward to interacting with you!
Iscrizioni al Corso
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Per maggiori informazioni su come fare per iscriverti al corso clicca qui oppure chiama la segreteria (qui vedi quando puoi trovarci).
Informazioni corso
- Data di inizio 18/04/2024, giovedì 19:00-20:30
- Incontri minimi 8
- Incontri massimi 10
- Tot. ore min 12 ore
- Tot. ore max 15 ore
- Propedeuticità inglese B1
- Minimo partecipanti 6
- Massimo partecipanti 12
- N°Iscritti 2